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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Appreciate People Now

The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they’re still alive. O.A. Battista

In my practice, I meet and assist many people in their healings. One specific area that I want to share with you is appreciating people, whether they are your loved ones or someone you meet in passing. Appreciate them now. Even a simple word of thanks, a hug, or simply saying, "I love you," or "I appreciate you," creates a wonderful exchange of positive energy. Even if the recipient does not state it back, you have opened up a positive connection and the flow of kindness happens. A healing happens for them and for you! By spreading love and kindness, the soul basks in this energy and resolution happens. Just imagine taking one day out of your life to tell everyone you interact with that day how much you appreciate them, or to compliment them on something about them. Imagine how all the positive interactions can create wonderful things for you too! Your mind, body, spirit, and emotions gain from all this positive energy!

Lately, I've been administering Final Rites to people who are getting ready to cross over. This has brought tremendous gifts to me. Gifts of enlightenment, love, peace, and joy. Everytime I participate in this event, I get the message to appreciate my family, friends, and acquaintances with honor. Before my clients cross over, we have discussions about their lives and I always ask what they would like to finish before they leave. Almost always if not always, I get that they want to see or talk to specific individuals so that they can tell them words of appreciation. Their soul knows that this exchange creates the love, the reason why they came on earth. Our soul purpose is to love unconditionally, ourselves and others.

Yesterday outside a supermarket, there were two teenage individuals raising money for other teenagers that need drug rehab. My guides pulled me in their direction and so I donated money and started to talk with them. Both have been clean from crystal meth for several months. I looked with love in their eyes and they instinctively reached out for my hand. I told them both how proud I am that they have realized how precious they really are. I also told them that with everything in life, we must take it one day at a time. I saw tears in their eyes. Tears of appreciation, of being understood, of feeling worthy. I told them that I am rooting for them and they can call me if they need help. This simple gesture of appreciation created mileage of hope in their lives. I know I have inspired them to continue their sobriety at least one more day!

I hope you're out there appreciating people with me too. Thanks and I appreciate you!

Tina Sacchi