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Friday, August 21, 2009

Whenever I think of a departed one, I only remember the good and the joyful times so that I can continue to feed me with positive thoughts.

After someone dies even thinking about them can hurt so much that you can’t face it. Your mind may be crowded with images, thoughts and negative memories associated with their acts toward you or perhaps their illness and circumstances of the actual death.

It's important to consciously and intentionally select all the positive things and memories and have that run in your mind so that you can continue to feed your mind, body, spirit and emotions with positive energy.

As time passes you will begin to be able to remember things in a much less painful way. You probably have years of happy memories connected to the person hidden in between some sad memories. Select the positive ones and have them rerun in your mind so that you can deprogram the negative ones.

And if there is nothing you can think positive about a particular person, view them as teachers. Possibly one of your biggest teachers. All the teachings and learnings you have experienced. What have they taught you not to be like or what have they brought to your attention that made you improve your life ...because it was clear that they didn't live in a positive way? Thus teaching you through negative reinforcement.

In my shamanic practice, there is a pray that I say and part of it reads:
"I honor all my relations, those that came before me and those that have yet to come. Even my children's children."

And by honoring all my relations, I really am honoring myself since we are all connected.



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